Thursday, September 29, 2011


My total is 510 minutes divided by 60 that is about 8.5 hours, Now I can plan how I will use each day from now until OCTOBER 11 to complete my project
9/28- Day 1 60 minutes--Three Designs
9/29-Day 2- 60 minutes--Create Product
10/1-Day3-60 minutes--Test The Product
10/2-Day4-60 minutes-Create The Survey
10/3 Day 5--60minutes-Evaluate The Product
10/4-day 6-60 minutes--Create Chart
10/5-Day7-60 minutes-Finding The 6th Graders

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Design Brie& Design Specifications;

10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
-For my project, i am going to crate a Comic Book that describes the design cycle in a elaborated way. A sixth grader will not be baffled because i'm going to make it simple so that they won't have trouble understanding it.
Formulate a Design Specification

11. What are the requirements for this assignment? 
-My project has to be elaborated and precise, and i it supposed to spread the message across in two minutes.

12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
-One of the limitations would be time; because i personally believe that two minutes IS NOT enough time to express the info on my project.

13. How will you "test" your project?
-I will test my project by giving out surveys and having the sixth graders write reviews about my project in general.


-Teach a sixth grader the process of the design cycle.
-Make it short and simple so they'll understand easily.
-Sixth graders will be able to understand the design cycle.
-About six pages long on Comic Book.
-Ability to use while being offline.
-Ability of being able to complete it before the due date.

-The way i will test my project is by giving them a survey, so i can see how well they understood my project.


These last two weeks i've been working on my investigation process. I started analyzing two tools and coming up with a conclusion of which one i want to choose. Since i chose Comic Book because of it's elaborated theme settings i would rate myself a 5-6 because i described detailed method to evaluate the product/solution against the design specification. I also gave multiple examples of the comparison of the two tools. Therefore, that is why i believe i deserve a rating of 5-6.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Design Cycle Questions. ;*

Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
I'm going to make a comic book because i think 6th graders are going to be impressed by it, and i'm making it for 6th graders.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment? 
The requirements of this assignment is to create a product that could be used to teach the 6th graders what the Design Cycle is.
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
The limitations i have for this project will probably be the time and due date.
13. How will you "test" your project?
I will test my project by showing it to sixth graders and discussing what they learned and what could've made my project better.
14. THREE Brainstorm ideas. Use can use the chart below or type to your blog your brainstorming ideas.
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
My idea i chose to present to the sixth graders is comic master because i will edit everything to MY OWN interests.
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
i believe so,
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in :
I will use my time wisely and not get distracted by jose ;o i will complete everything according to their due dates.
REFLECT on your learning:

Sample 1:
Page 1:Title/Design Cycle purpose/
Page 2:Picture of egg/ description of first step
Page 3:Picture of egg moving/ description of second step
Page 4:Picture of egg hatching/ description of third step
Page 5:Egg full hatched-baby chick/ description of last step
Page 6:Overall conclusion of design cycle

Sample 2:


Monday, September 19, 2011


Comic Book
The number i gave for theme is a 4 because in Comic book you can create different backgrounds. People like different variety of stuff so when they see a nice background their eyes will be entertained immediately. Variety and theme are essential when looking at the purpose of the project. The background setup has more variety and the 3-D model link. Compared to the 3-D model ,the Comic Book has much more options. With comic Book i will be more focused on finding a perfect background and theme. Themes and colorful backgrounds is what i think is going to be most appreciated by a sixth grader. The 3-D model  is very vague and plain to my eyes thats why i gave theme a higher rating for this one than for the 3-D model. The reason why i rated this a four because i believe the backgrounds will be very pretty.

The number i gave to creativity is five because the Comic book has a lot of that within the website. In order to create a book ;of course its going to have a lot of creativity! The 3-D model also has plenty creativity but it does not have as much as the Comic Book. Creativity says a lot about a person personality. Even the website structure of Comic Book looks very attractive and creative ,so it motivates me to choose this instead of the 3-D model tool. Also, creativity is personally my key focus because i believe it's what triggers a persons attention. It is essential if you want to get a good grade on any project or task. Everyone should strive for creativity in this design cycle project. The reason why i gave creativity a five is because a comic book will spread tons of color!

Finally, the number i gave to popularity is a four. The 3-D model website probably doesn't have as many users as the comic book because that website didn't attract me to it. Most of the people i've seen also are doing Comic book so that indicates that it is "popular." I'm not sure if thats a good thing because i would prefer it if mine was the only one ,so it can be unique.  But it doesn't matter in this case. I haven't heard or seen about anybody doing the 3-D model tool. Which kind of gets me thinking because maybe that website isn't good quality. Hopefully, if the kids know that i'm using a tool that is most used by people then they will be more interested afterwards. The reason why i rated popularity a four is because alot of people are doing the Comic Book.

3-D Model

The number i gave for theme for the 3-D model was a three simply because i don't think it offers that much ideas of the background settings like the Comic Book. It offers "real-world coordinates" so you can scale it to an actual real life figure.  The 3-D model has a boring theme setup because it doesn;t really explain the colorful backgrounds. Comic book theme setup is so much better than the 3-D model website. Theme is very important in a project because the audience needs to understand the main aspect of your project. If you don't have a good theme or a decent background then the audience will be perplexed. The background setup in the 3-D model website does not attract me at all.  That is why I AM NOT GOING TO USE THE 3-D MODEL WEBSITE. The reason i rated the theme a three is because the theme will not be as specific as the Comic Book. 

The number i gave for creativity was a three. A 3-D model will offer a semi-large amount of creativity because you can edit it to your own personal interests.  The 3-D model has a decent amount of creativity.You can personally edit it based on the things you like and the colors, borders, decorations, etc. But the question is, "How will I find everything on the 3-D model google website?" I'll probably get lost in the process and won't know where to look for things. Since i might not use this tool for my design cycle project then i shouldn't really worry about not being able to find everything. If i was using it in my design cycle then i would be worrying about the website. I'll probably go ask haaa. The reason why i gave creativity a three is because i don't think its a very creative tool.

The number i gave for Simplicity is a four because a 3-D model is very simple to construct physically, but in the computer I'm not so sure about the simplicity.. You can easily make a 3-D model.  I would perfer making a physical 3-D model with a poster rather than doing it on the computer. The hard part to it is that you need to label the specific ideas in order to engage your audience; if not they'll be lost and have trouble understanding the concept. This is why i believe a Comic Book will be more challenging because of the different pages and having to deal with all the specific details. Therefore. the reason why i gave simplicity a 4 is because i believe its really easy to do in person, but in a computer - not so much.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day Two Reflection.

Today i learned that comic books are much better than 3D models because i can get my point through alot easier. And 6th graders are going to like the colorful pictures and facts about the design cycle. The reason I'm not going do the 3D model ,even though it might be easier is because i don't think 6th graders will be engaged in it as much as the comic book. 3D models are lame and 6th graders won't think its fun and attractive.  


      Comic book:
  • ·      Decide how you want page on novel to look like.
  • ·      Add backgrounds
  • ·      Choose characters and props to appear in your scenes
  • ·      Add dialogue and captions
  • ·      And special effects



  • ·      Tool that combines a tool-set with a drawing system.
  • ·      Use models with real world coordinates.
  • ·      Use actual scale.

The Comic book is better because I can engage 6th grades more with the colorful pictures and designs. So they will be excited to learn with pictures. J

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem

1. What is the problem you need to solve?
How to help a 6th grader understand the Design Cycle is the problem i need to solve.
2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world?
The design cycle applies to the real world because you can use the design cycle to solve problems.
3. How will this project serve my community?
This project will serve my community by helping 6th graders understand the design cycle.
4. How can my learning help my community?
It can help my community by sharing my knowledge is how my learning can help the community.

5. How do we live in relation to each other?
We live in different houses.
6. How does this help others?
It helps others by understanding the design cycle, because they are going to learn by us.
7. What are the requirements for this assignment?
A two minute presentation of our understanding of the design cycle to a 6th grader is the requirement for this project.
8. What is the Design Cycle?
The design cycle is a strategy used to solve problems.